Quarterly reports on the schools education market:
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Reasons to read
With access to every report, get accurate, timely and concise information about what’s happening in education. Here’s a small sample of insights from our recent reports:
Why increasing classroom use of digital resources doesn’t work. Read more. Issue 2.
How the right investment decisions improve impact and cost-effectiveness. Get Andrea Carr’s view in issue 3.
What’s the outlook for climate education in the curriculum review? Find out from leading sustainability campaigners in issue 5.
What new research tells us about how MATs are supporting students with SEND. NFER’s Matt Walker outlines the challenges and opportunities. Issue 4.
Why being overly defensive of IP could mean publishers miss opportunities to innovate. Issue 6.
How to find the balance between growth and impact in schools. Read Ark’s approach to scaling reach in issue 4.
Kick-start a successful international growth strategy: tap into Steve Whitley’s 40 years of experience and expertise. Issue 2.
The use of genAI in schools has divided opinion among educators and policymakers. But what’s the impact on teachers and learners? Key talking points from our teacher roundtable. Issue 1.
The two key indicators US school districts and potential investors look for in a new product or service. Get Catherine Cahn’s US perspective in issue 3.
Three key strategies LEO Academy Trust used to reach the top five MAT-level rankings in the country for reading, writing and mathematics. Issue 6.
What the experts want to see: 13 education stakeholders on their ambitions and aspirations for England’s curriculum and assessment review. Issue 5.
Three key themes of education at scale: what the research tells us. Issue 4.

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- Issue 1: AI in Education
- Issue 2: International Trends in Education
- Issue 3: Investment in the UK Schools Market
- Issue 4: Education at Scale
- Issue 5: The Future of Curriculum and Assessment
- Issue 6: English and Literacy
- Quarterly reports focusing on trends in the education market, sent directly to your email (pdf). That’s four reports per subscription year.
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