School closures and the widespread need for homeschooling brought about a newfound appreciation for the people who do the job day in, day out. But did it change parents’ ideas about why children should go to school? Parent Ping has been asking just that.
Charlotte al-Qadi has spent over 15 years working in educational publishing for the MENA market. Whilst language from publishers in recent years has become less negative when briefing educational content for the region, there still remains an air of reluctance to think about cultural sensitivities.
Thanks to Oxford University Careers and Santander UK’s internship scheme, our first intern joined Oriel Square this summer for an 8-week paid internship. Ben is a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Oxford with a keen interest in education policy.
EdTech Publik and Oriel Square are collaborating to bring the global education technology community closer together. We know that the fast-paced world of EdTech can be difficult to navigate and we want to help.
Ensuring that education objectives continue to be achieved both during and after the pandemic involves multiple stakeholders and diverse partnerships. With new educational needs arising, and the nature of roles changing for all involved, we turn again to the central question of accountability: how can we all work to ensure that children achieve their full…
As schools return, Hannie Kirkham looks at the future of tech in (and out of) the classroom. What will teachers take forward from their experience with tech during lockdown? Will the legacy of edtech in Covid-19 help teacher workload, improve engagement, reduce the gap and absenteeism? Or will it be back to business as usual?
The exams process is an emotionally charged experience for families and education professionals at the best of times, but 2020 really has to take the cake. Watching the drama play out, with a host of unexpected plot twists, has truly tested the nerves of all involved and led to terrible heartache for many.
Oriel Square Director John Deans reflects on the current conversations about A-level student exams as we see a return to school, and potential impacts that changes in university admissions processes could have.
In this blog mini-series, Hannie gives her top takeaways from the Children’s Media Conference, including insights from the BBC, Black Lives Matter, Changemakers, Waterstones’ Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell, and the Moomins.
In this blog mini-series, Hannie gives her top takeaways from the Children’s Media Conference, including insights from the BBC, Black Lives Matter, Changemakers, Waterstones’ Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell, and the Moomins.
In this blog mini-series, Hannie gives her top takeaways from the Children’s Media Conference, including insights from the BBC, Black Lives Matter, Changemakers, Waterstones’ Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell, and the Moomins.